I've been feeling stressed lately. Partly because of my studies(which I'm about to fail, btw). Another part is my personal life which is really... blah! The last part would be about my Dad and the last minute
bilins from my Mom, which can be nerve wrecking. He is leaving for the US on the 19th but he will leave tomorrow, he will be staying at my sister's place for 1 night to be with them, to be with his favorite apo, Irvin.
I feel happy for my Mom because she will be with my Dad now. This is what she has always wanted. They will live together without us, their children, and without all other
mirons in their lives. All their married life they have been living with other people like their parents and other siblings. They can now start fresh. She will be
HP soon. She needs my Dad to have someone to lean on especially now that she's been sick lately.

At the same time I feel sad because I won't be seeing him for a long time. I know we have had our tiffs every now and then but he's still my Dad. I may "hate" him for treating my Mom badly but I know he cares for her and she loves him a lot. He is the Mr. Fix It here, especially when we are on speaking terms hehehe. I'm going to miss my Dad.
I'm going to be sad for a while but I'm sure this is for their own good. This is a good time for them to fix their relationship. Hopefully my Mom would be able to bring my Dad to church often and he would get closer to Him. I know the Lord has plans for them and He will take good care of them.
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