Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Rio Diaz is "safely home"

Rio Diaz passed away this morning. Her ordeal has somewhat affected me. She wrote this one letter to Ricky Lo that helped me strengthen my faith in the Lord. I even shared that article to my relatives abroad. It was a good piece.
Hanagirl expressed her fear of death on her blog. I myself have a hard time grasping the concept of death. I can't imagine myself not "thinking" anymore. I can't imagine my consciousness not existing anymore. The idea is just plain abstract to me.
Anyway, I try to accept death as part of the cycle of life. You leave everything behind, all your cares, problems, aches and pains. Rio Diaz is finally resting in peace. Her suffering has finally ended. I'm sure she's happy where she is now.


Anonymous said...

went to that external link...she was a brave woman...accepted her fate with dignity and never wavered in her trust in God.

Tanggero said...

minsan nakakapagtaka, bakit madaling mamatay ang mabubuting tao kesa sa masasamang damo...hirap pa naman sa langit....walang beer!

fionski said...

Balita ko shoktong daw marami don. Hehehe.